“You are invited!” If we had mailed out every one of UUCG’s invitations this
September, we might have supported the U.S. Post Office for quite a while!
Which invitations do you remember now? Here are a few—and yes, I had to check
the calendar!
- To respect the worthiness of all who labor
- To beautify our property and connect with trees
- To pour all our summer learnings and all our fresh visions for UUCG into
- one bowl to serve as our guide this year
- To join a covenant group
- To visit the VolunteeRen Faire
- To gather with Spiral Scouts, the Men’s Group, or to learn the Tarot
- To listen to immigrants’ voices and expand our Community of Care
- To visit the Board meeting or join Sharing the Journey
- To experience the Interfaith Peace Festival or the Autumn Equinox ritual
- To celebrate belonging and the pagan way
- To revive our hope and mission through the UU Climate Justice Revival
Did we respond to each invitation with authenticity? When did we answer, Yes!, or
Maybe, or Can’t make it this time but will try again, or Sorry, that’s not for me? In
the process, did we grow a little in curiosity, courage, and compassion? And when
we did jump in, what transformations did we experience?
Each month’s theme this year invites us to go deeper with some practice that is
central to Unitarian Universalism. October’s invitation, “The Practice of Deep
Listening,” also asks us to respond authentically. Can we listen to our own
knowing, to our pain and joy, and to the wisdom, pain, and joy of others? What
transformations will we experience, and how will we grow?
This is the “Invitation of the Year,” beloveds. May we bring our full selves to the
~Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones