The Sacred Order of Belonging

What is a sacred story? Sacred stories are stories that we find compelling. Stories that we lean into.  Stories that we find meaningful. Stories that we can listen to, read, watch or tell over and over again. Stories that evoke something: tears, laughter, aha, reaction, reflection, questions. Sacred stories call forth new stories. Stories that seem, somehow, to always be sort of like my own story. I find myself in sacred stories even if, at first take, I might deny that. I want to say that sacred stories are somehow a part of a spiritual tradition, but I think when that happens it is because human beings, who create spiritual traditions, are inherently story-tellers. Of course, stories are going to be part of a spiritual tradition or anything else that human beings create.

As a human being, every one of us belongs to a sacred order, if you will.  We belong to the sacred order of storytellers. We are participants in the interdependent web of all existence, and that web participates in us. Just as sure as we breathe, we tell stories, and we tell stories as our own individual versions of The Big Story. When you tell me a story, chances are good that even though I have never heard you tell that story before, I will recognize some part of it, even recognize some part of myself in it. That’s because you are telling your piece of The Big Story.  We all belong to The Big Story. 

So, listen. To that story forming in you your heart. To that story coming out of the heart of the person in front of you. To that story you hear playing in the background of every song, every poem, every newscast, every event that human beings have taken time to produce. Because . . . we belong to the Sacred Order of Storytellers. 

~Bob Patrick

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5 Responses to The Sacred Order of Belonging

  1. Lorena Griffin says:

    Love this. Yes, it’s all one big story!

  2. Roy Reynolds says:

    Thank you, Bob. I like this piece. It’s quite rememberable.

    Love and gratitude,

    PS: I now have a new email address:
    I can only receive from this address on my iPhone.

  3. Jeanne Crownover says:

    Could immediately relate, as one instantly came into my mind. Am sure there are more.

  4. Rita Romero says:

    I love this. I never thought that I could be a storyteller but we all are. Thank you!

  5. Katrina says:

    We are the “tellers”. It has been my experience that even though there were multiple witnesses to the story, we may not all agree on the interpretation. This confounds me because stories need to be truth at their core to pass through the generations. My story of my mother’s death is a primary example. There are facts, there is a bigger picture, there is history that has been hauled like luggage, over time. I have a decision to make every time I recount the story of my mother. What do I truly want to pass on ?
    Thank You Bob, for opening some windows that bring in a fresh sense of ownership without defense.

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