Monthly Archives: December 2023

The Mystery in Traditions

I love Hallmark Channel Christmas Movies. I am radically accepting, a feminist, reproductive justice activist, reality believer, political junkie, and…. I still love Hallmark Channel Christmas Movies. They are romantic nonsense. AND, they are total fun. They also help remind … Continue reading

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Wonder and Mystery

When the kids were younger and still at home there were so many traditions that brought us into the Holy Days…. Decorating, cookie baking, photo ornaments, and gifts. We took out the holiday dishes and napkins. We went to church. … Continue reading

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Mystery and Religion

I think that in any religion there are those who embrace their faith with authenticity and with what we might characterize as curiosity, courage and compassion. In other words, they hold to their faith with open minds and hearts.  There … Continue reading

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The Mystery of Loneliness

Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible. ― Carl Gustav Jung Loneliness is an experience … Continue reading

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Mystery of Peace

Peace, this short one syllable word is something people ask for all the time, especially during November and December. Peace to me is a mystery, we all ask for it, but do we really obtain it? Do we understand what … Continue reading

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Life’s Mysteries

As a child I was an avid reader. Whenever I finished my schoolwork I chose reading over any of the other out of seat options we were given. I often took a book and read during lunch break and recess.  … Continue reading

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The Choices We Make

Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise. Julia Cameron I am part of an online quilting community run by Pat Sloan, an award winning quilter who writes books, posts videos and hosts of all things, a mystery … Continue reading

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