Monthly Archives: September 2024

Building Friendships Through Music

On most typical Sundays at UUCG you can see me in the alto section of the CovenantChoir. I have a practice of scanning the sanctuary with my eyes to spot anyone whoseface I don’t recognize, so that I can try … Continue reading

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Invitation in the Face of Violence

In the aftermath of another school shooting, this time only a few miles away from where I live, what does “the practice of invitation” look like? Who am I inviting, and to what? The truth is, the insanity of a … Continue reading

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Our Ingathering/Water Ceremony is coming up on September 8, which bringsback memories of my time in North Myrtle Beach, SC in August 2022. Part of thewater that has been gathered for this ceremony came from the Atlantic Ocean inthat city. … Continue reading

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Millie, Archer and Roxy: Sharing

Roxy likes to keep to herself mostly at our house. She spends most of her time on the back deck watching. She makes note of the animals that cross over through the creek area and barks when a deer, squirrel, … Continue reading

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The Paradox of Invitation

If I have to invite you, this is not your home. Have you ever had a best friend whose house you could just walk into? Not worrying about ringing the doorbell or knocking? Have you ever walked into the UUCG … Continue reading

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Millie, Archer and Roxy: Engage

So this summer our son and his new wife, our new daughter in love are living with us while they sell their two separate homes  in NC and Michigan. They work remotely and share loving space with us and their … Continue reading

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Ideas, Feelings, Values and Practice

Spirituality comes with several parts.  There are spiritual ideas that may draw our attention, inspire us and energize us. There are countless spiritual books full of these ideas. There are feelings that we may identify as spiritual, love likely being … Continue reading

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