Category Archives: Awe and Wonder
Awe and Wonder: Primal Openness
I want to write of awe and wonder as beauty, nature and all good things. Those things fit the current perception of the words. We say “awesome” about anything that is good, from basic gratitude for every day tasks to … Continue reading
Awe and Wonder: Living and Dying
After learning about the death of one of our beloved friends and members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett–Karl Adams, I wrote to a friend: I’m feeling the tenderness of my relationships tonight: my beloved and our three grown children–even our … Continue reading
Awe and Wonder: Schooled in Delight
In these days of Presidential campaigns, candidacies and cacophonies, have you noticed how hyperbole has become common speak? When saying the outrageous or extreme becomes the norm, our senses and sense are dulled as to what normal might be. We … Continue reading
Awe and Wonder: Follow the Landscape
Many years ago now, I bought a Native American flute from a flute maker in the mid-west. I had been taken in by the haunting beauty of Native American flute. I felt the flute in me, and I wanted to … Continue reading
Awe and Wonder: The Earth Our Mother
Our energy bill for the month of February came today. It was double what it has been all winter. Immediate shock ensued. High energy bills in the coldest months of winter shouldn’t be a shock. This one was a shock … Continue reading
Awe and Wonder: Birdsong
Two mornings in a row. It means, to me, that Spring is really here whether the calendar says so or not. What was it? Birdsong. Not just a random bird singing, but a cacophony of birds singing their hearts out … Continue reading