Category Archives: Gift of Liberating Love

January 2024 Theme

Freeing My Jealous Heart

When we are young, love is so chaotic and exciting. It’s mysterious and stirs our emotions in a torrent of swirls and tornados all over our body. That kind of love is what I grew up being told was lust … Continue reading

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Love and Pluralism

Somewhere in all of our early education, we learned the word “plus.” It was a part of our earliest math lessons: one plus one equals two. At a more sophisticated age (maybe middle school) we might have been found saying … Continue reading

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A Last Loving Look

This is that time of year. When I go into that cabinet on that shelf where we keep that basket. This is the keeper of those pieces of  paper – mail, notes, cards, receipts, etc. Things we are not ready … Continue reading

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Love and Transformation

This is another of my own musings on the proposed new expression of our Unitarian Universalists principles. Transformation is an expensive word that means change. Its Latin roots imply the changing of the shape of something from one thing to … Continue reading

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Dear Me, I Love You

Dear Me,  As I sit down to write this letter to you, I reflect on how far you’ve come in your life. From a child who only knows of love as painful and prideful to a woman that is so … Continue reading

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Love and Equity

Our proposed new way of considering our principles has invited me into this series of reflections. These are my musings. What is equity, and what would it be or mean without being rooted in love? Equity recognizes that while it’s … Continue reading

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If I Love Me, I’ll Let Go

To liberate, to set something free. “If you love me, let me go,” words spoken a few times, and many songs feature it in their lyrics. One song in particular is “This is Gospel” from Panic! At the Disco. The … Continue reading

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