Category Archives: Living Love Through the Practice of Inclusion
The Courage It Takes To Be New
It took a lot of courage for me to walk into a Unitarian Universalist congregation for the first time on that Sunday morning in February 1997. My heart started racing as I got ready. I had to lie down on … Continue reading
Can You See Me?
I have read or listened to several books by Margaret Atwood about futuristics societies where the decisions for many are made by a very few. Opinions are not allowed and those who are brave enough to have a thought and … Continue reading
Inclusivity is not ‘how do we make you a part of what we are?’ but ‘how do we become more of what you are?’angel Kyodo williams Sensei We have vegans in our family. Ok, stop right there, I’ve heard all … Continue reading
The Door Is Open, Isn’t It?
Belonging is a hard theme to grasp. Welcoming, even harder. There are people I need to welcome and show hospitality to that I don’t think about in that way at all. Their philosophies and thinking patterns are too different. While … Continue reading
What do we win?
In a recent Sunday service, I wrote this question down which I think either Rev. Nancy or Sherree shared in a reading or reflection: When we are a diverse group, what do we win? My mind began to flood with … Continue reading
Special Needs Sunday School
Back in the early 2000’s, my then roommate, myself, parents and other volunteers started a Sunday School program for children and teens with special needs at the church we attended. This included children who were on the autism spectrum, were … Continue reading
Blessed Be the Earth
Blessed be the earth beneath our feet—steady and strong, ancient and wise. She has cradled our ancestors, nurtured the seeds of our dreams, and held us through every season of our lives. Today, we gather to honor her, to bless … Continue reading