Category Archives: Repost–Summer 2024

Reposts of previous blogs during the summer break.

Repost: For the Love of Music

Reposted from January 29, 2024 My first love was, and continues to be, music. My mom played a big role in helping develop this love by enrolling me in Mommy & Me keyboard lessons starting around age 4, and by … Continue reading

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Repost: Liberating Love–Letting Go

Reposted from January 22, 2024 I find a lot of meaning in seeing patterns, symbols, shapes and repeating dynamics. Anytime. Anywhere. With any set of relationships. When I see a pattern or repeating dynamic or a symbol of a thing … Continue reading

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Repost: How Could Anyone?

Reposted from January 15, 2024 The first time I heard the hymn “How Could Anyone” in our Sunday service, tears swelled in my heart and eyes. That continues to happen every time I hear it. The basic questions in the … Continue reading

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Repose: A Last Loving Look

Reposted from January 8, 2024 This is that time of year. When I go into that cabinet on that shelf where we keep that basket. This is the keeper of those pieces of  paper – mail, notes, cards, receipts, etc. … Continue reading

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Repost: Love and Light

Reposted from January 1, 2024 This is a phrase that was made popular by the New Age movement of the 1980’s and 90’s.  Perhaps it was the equivalent of “thoughts and prayers” in that it was a phrase to say … Continue reading

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Repost: Mysteries of Life

A repost from December 28, 2023 The older I get the more I see that life is one mystery after another. Things that I do and things that others do. The way the world works is all a mystery to … Continue reading

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Repost: Wonder and Mystery

Reposted from December 19, 2023 When the kids were younger and still at home there were so many traditions that brought us into the Holy Days…. Decorating, cookie baking, photo ornaments, and gifts. We took out the holiday dishes and … Continue reading

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