Dancing in the Seats

Our Rev. Jan is retiring. Our congregation had a retirement party for her. It was a sad and joyous celebration. Sad because she is leaving. Joyous for the time she was with us and for the beginning of a wonderful chapter in her book of life. 

The celebration had delicious food and wonderful music. Everyone mingled and was catching up with each other’s lives. There was a lot of laughter. It was a beautiful sight to behold. 

A few people spoke about their relationship with Rev. Jan. Some people made us laugh recalling certain moments with her. Some people made us cry. I also shared my moments that I had with her. I like to think that I made people laugh and cry.

Later, I sat with Rev. Jan and we had our picture taken. We talked for a minute or two. It was a wonderful moment in time. I told friends waiting in line to have their pictures taken with her, that it was like standing in line to see Santa Claus.  Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Retirement! 

People were rocking and rolling or swaying to the music, whichever way their talent for dancing leaned. To me it was all wonderful to watch. For a moment I thought of A Charlie Brown’s Christmas, seeing the gang dancing and it made me giggle. 

I myself was seated and watched everything. I have mobility issues and that kept me from dancing with the gang. I would have loved to dance like Linus for a moment. 

It was the last song of the evening and my friend Daniel sat down beside me. I took his hands and he didn’t know what was happening. I told him we are dancing in the seats. Then, he laughed and we were dancing, dancing in the seats. That was my delightful moment of the evening. 

A delightful moment can happen at any time.  So, enjoy those few minutes and put it into your book of life. You will always remember that time with a smile. 

I know this delightful moment is going into my book of life. Thank you, Rev. Jan for all you have done for me. Thank you, Daniel, for the dance. We were dancing, dancing in the seats. 

~Rita Romero

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8 Responses to Dancing in the Seats

  1. Lydia M Patrick says:

    What joy! Thank you for sharing!

  2. katrina yurko says:

    Dancing in the Streets….That’s how I read this title the first time, just because of that 60s tune of the same name. But , guess what, Dancing in your Seats is just as nice, just because the energy from the corners of the room, all the happy people, the energized air, it all comes into focus as it comes to rest on our hearts. What a delight !

  3. Denise B. says:

    This is delightful, Rita! A wonderful moment! I feel so happy reading about your dance with Daniel.

  4. Peggy G Averyt says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this with me. You helped me experience this event, even though I could not be there!

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