December 18–Hope: Gratitude

If there is a God, a Supreme Being, a Divine Source of all that is, then surely that One hears and receives all offerings of thanks and gratitude.  How could any sort of thanksgiving go anywhere except to the Source of all that is?

And is there a religion in the world, or has there ever been one, or is there any sort of spiritual practice, or is there any human being alive or who has ever lived who has not even once felt gratitude?

And if there is no God, does it matter?  The instances of gratitude that rise up out of the human heart in all times over so many human experiences are in themselves a single unifying force.

This is my Unitarianism.

Bob Patrick

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One Response to December 18–Hope: Gratitude

  1. Lydia Patrick says:

    Magnificent! We worry way too much about denominations and affiliations and the styles of our practices…… we need more gratitude – so much so that we are unified with each other with the sum of our gratitude. I like it!

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