We Are: Our Prayers

Out of Celtic Irish tradition comes a way of praying called the Breastplate Prayer, or Lorica.  The legends have it that these kinds of prayers, when offered by Druids, allowed them to pass by their enemies appearing only as a mist or a herd of deer, that the prayer created a shield or breastplate of protection over them.  They often invoke powers in threes or three times three out of a view of the world as Sky, Earth and Sea.

I have enjoyed writing these kinds of prayers especially at this time of the year, on this longest night of the year.  At the Winter Solstice, we witness the dying of the old Sun and the birth of the New Light of the New Sun which will only grow stronger in the northern hemisphere for the next six months.  So, for this Winter Solstice Day, I offer this Breastplate prayer.

A Breastplate Prayer for Winter Solstice

We arise today through a mighty strength,
the power of darkness in the Three.
Darkness of Sky over sleeping Earth
Darkness of Earth holding the life-bearing seed,
Darkness of Sea sustaining us all through want and need.

Longest night
newest light
power of space in between.
Imbas* here
healing there
Powers of Spirit convene.
Enter in.
Find the space.
Let your wound be seen.

Arise now nine powers:
Power of trees,
Power of stones,
Power of wind,
Power of stars,
Power of rivers,
Power of animal friends,
Power of gratitude,
Power of touch,
Power of Being of every kind.

Let earth energy in the trees begin to move.
Let light energy in the the stones vibrate.
Let fire energy strike up through the wind.
Let ice crystal energy shine out through the stars.
Let elemental energy flow through the river waves.
Let blood energy touch us through animal friends.
Let spirit energy help us through healing hands.
Let divine energy arise through all these beings.

We arise today through a mighty strength,
the power of darkness in the Three.
Darkness of Sky over sleeping Earth
Darkness of Earth holding the life-bearing seed,
Darkness of Sea sustaining us all through want and need.

The newest light has come.
The newest light has come.
The newest light out of the darkness has truly come.

*Imbas is an Old Irish word that means “inspiration, illumination, magical poetic inspiration.”

Bob Patrick

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One Response to We Are: Our Prayers

  1. Margaret Townsend says:

    Thank you for this,powerful mesage. Let us,walk towards the light!

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