Ecology: In Balance

The events in Yellowstone, as presented in this video, provide an eloquent example of the interdependent web at work.  The wolves, when reintroduced to the park after a 70 year absence, cause an alteration of, not just the other species of animals in the habitat, but the habitat itself.  The land, the vegetation… even the behavior of the rivers is transformed.  Here is depicted the dynamic nature of ecosystems, and the complexity of the relationships between vast arrays of species and the environment in which they live.   And, while this is not the only location or event where this profound connection is evidenced, it is the most perfect living illustration of it that I have ever seen.

Considering this, one fact becomes abundantly clear: nature thrives when the system is whole.

There is much to learn from what is happening within this microcosm.   Every interaction has far-reaching effects on all of the elements surrounding it, often to an even greater extent than we realize.   We can see this principle at work in our daily lives as well – on a “small” scale in our own communities in our dealings with neighbors, friends, gardens, stray animals; on a grander scale in how we spend our money, perform our jobs, cast our votes; as well as on a global scale in how our governments negotiate with one another…

Ecosystems, societies, cultures – these are all living systems – diverse, adaptive, and subject to transmutation when any one element is out of balance.  And they each thrive in wholeness, when the connections of their diverse elements are honored.

Can you make a conscious effort to see the connection (and the greater effects) in the interactions you experience today?

~ Christiana

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