Good Enough

In her autobiography, How To Be Champion by comedian Sarah Millican, she weaves threads of her life into a funny historical perspective on the person she is today. She is funny, irreverent, and timely. 

Chapter 37 is about an online magazine she started with a few other friends and how she creatively navigated the challenges of making it work without compromising her values or beliefs about the pressures we are forced to navigate in society today. 

Her goals for the publication included some of the following: 

No woman feels bad reading it 

No photoshopping on any of the photos

No ads that make anyone feel inadequate in any way

No threads about diets or cosmetic surgery or weight loss tricks 

She wanted the publication to be a place where women could talk about women’s issues in a completely supportive and non judgemental platform. The probem was, finding sponsors that would not sabotage the intent of the publication. Avoiding ads that supported make up brands, preferred scents, clothing lines that idolized certain sizes, diet and weight loss products, etc. was harder than she thought. 

Instead of giving up she spent the first years of publication paying for the magazine herself. When she was told that would not be a good financial plan moving forward she started the creative juices flowing again and came up with a plan to host the conversations via a podcast platform that cost nothing and invited everyone to the table.

The podcast is titled, “Standard Issue” and is available to download on Spotify. I can’t wait to listen! 

~Lydia Patrick

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One Response to Good Enough

  1. katrina yurko says:

    Cool. Always looking for a solid lead for enriching podcasts!

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