My Journey Into Trust

What a hard thing trust can be. How much it requires of us. However, is it possible to continue on this life without it? I think not. Consider this quote from our SoulMatters materials this month.

Know This *

Chad A. Snyder
Permission Secured by Soul Matters

We truly know far less than we think we do
But let us know this much:
We are not alone
In our joy, in our loss
In our quiet, daily, blessedly ordinary moments
We are not alone
A small truth, maybe, in a vast and rapid world
But let us hold that truth, and trust it
As we hold and trust the joys, the sorrows, and moments
Shared in this space we make holy

So I am choosing to trust.  For that moment in the pool when the next song in my earbud is the one that is going to pour into my soul while I stroke and flap to the deep end and back….

For that aroma of something baking in the oven that reminds me of creating new things that can fill the soul as well as the stomach and bring such joy…

For that moment in time when Bob and I share something simple in a day that takes on such meaning with two souls connected like ours are….

For those moments with Millie, all 65 pounds of wagging flesh and pounding tail…… when she bores into my heart such consistency of love and devotion… that I am filled with wonder over and over again. 

When I decide to loop around the subdivision again because the book I am listening to on Audible has brought me to tears and I must find out how this discussion by this author on the meaning of their life come to closure.

When I am singing with the choir, always my faith comes to life and grows with every note and every word…. 

For the times in communion with this community when I see, truly see the practices of interconnectedness and covenant practiced with such dedication and awareness that I challenged again to do better, be better. These are my practices. This is my journey into trust. 

Blessed be.

~Lydia Patrick

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