Faith: What’s Your History?

What’s your history with the word “faith?” Most of us living in the US likely have one.  It may include something like the following:

Faith means believing the right things, and you have been told what those things are.  Disagree with that list, and you are excluded from the faithful.

Faith means accepting something that is otherwise unreasonable or unbelievable. It lines up with clapping your hands so that Tinkerbell can live in the story Peter Pan.  Just do it.

Faith means some words that you say that will get you into heaven and allow you to avoid hell.

If you have arrived on a Unitarian Universalist path, you likely have a history with the word “faith” that includes rejecting what you have been handed around that word.

Because you value a search for truth and meaning.
Because you value humanism and what we can know through scientific process.
Because you value the worth and dignity of every human being and think that, if there is a God, God does, too.

In our community, this begins to be what we call “faith:” gathering together in community to explore the wonder of being human in the context of the gift of this earth–nothing to prove–everything to gain from the journey.

What is your own personal history with the word “faith?”

Bob Patrick

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2 Responses to Faith: What’s Your History?

  1. Lydia says:

    My past history with faith has been “whether or not I have enough faith to bring about miracles and divine occasions into my everyday living” and what that might say about me if I don’t
    Today and looking into the future I think living with faith in my life will be enough for me to grapple with every day .
    Welcome back

  2. Barbara Stahnke says:

    In reflecting yesterday on faith in myself – trusting myself – that is my work as I see that as my weakness with trusting the world to be okay. What is my internal and deep understanding of the mysteries informed by my rational mind with humbleness and heart? Trusting that internal knowledge.

    My faith history did not teach me to reach in and consolidate but to rely on outside sources. Today I am working to rely on my inner knowledge and the knowledge brought to me from the universe in the form of my community, my personal experience and the history of truths. Trusting and accepting that we are all human with all that that means.

    I still take on the word God as a potential being; however, I don’t really know what that really means. It is a place of focus for prayer; it is a place to go when in fear; it is a place to go when grateful for the world and all it’s beauty. Still traveling – still working it.

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