“I wish I were in a different place.” How often do you hold that position in life?
We’ve probably all done it, some more than others. For some, it’s a once in a while consideration: gee, I wish I were not in this place. Regret. Guilt. Second guessing decisions made. For others, this way of thinking can become a way of life, can become the perspective one holds on everything, every event and even every feeling that arises in the body.
Either way, wishing we were not where we are is not a good plan.
This does not mean that we have to LIKE where we are. The search for truth and meaning begins best with the present moment–where we find ourselves, right now. We may look at where we are and decide that this place is not a good, helpful or healthy place. Our reflection may include the decisions and steps that brought us to this place. Often we cannot see the quality of our decisions until they are made and lived into for a while.
That is a spiritual practice. I see where I am. I look at the various ways I took to get here, and whatever I decide about those paths and this place, I make some decision about my next steps. Those next steps will be informed, if I reflect this way. Those next steps will be meaningful if I have ponder my search for truth and meaning to this point.
And those next steps will be steps of faith.
Bob Patrick
Coming to terms with this reality is critical to a peaceful life. I have moved 23 times and am frequently asked which place I like best. My reply is always, “I try to be content where I am now”. I believe I AM content where I am now. . .I had not thought of it as a spiritual practice, but that is exactly how I have approached it. Thank you for the mirror so that I could see this more clearly.
Wow. That hit home with me. Thanks, Bob.