Oh Say, Does the National Anthem Seem Divisive?

I must admit, it was the 24th of January 2024 when I heard that the United States National Anthem was racist and there was a verse in the original poem/song that indicated slaves were forced to fight the war. Listening to a popular radio show, co host, Mo Mitch, explained why the National Anthem is divisive instead of inclusive, this explanation sparked an explanation for all the other things that I have been battling with by thinking…”isn’t this (insert program, idea, holiday etc.) a bit divisive instead of inclusive?

This piece of the show prompted a conversation between my partner and me: why don’t they just change the National Anthem, the racist holidays, etc.? We concluded that it boiled down to time, these big steps away from familiarity is not something our nation is willing to make. But steps towards including holidays such as Juneteenth and Indigenous Day are the small steps we need to take. 

What other steps are necessary to a more inclusive nation? 

My first thought on this is to rid ourselves of the honoring of Columbus. His history was rewritten to glorify him, when the truth of his voyages is that his discoveries and encounters ignited centuries of exploitation of Indigenous Peoples. What will it take to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day? This step is already being taken with every person that refuses to acknowledge that day and spread on social media, in newspapers and public events the idea of change in honoring those that were in the Americas before us, the change must surely happen then, right? 

What other steps can we take towards a more inclusive nation? One built on justice and equity? A nation that honors its melting pot of nationalities and celebrates each and every race, culture and religion it inhabits? What will it take to recognize we are more than just one color and one culture? 

I have more questions than answers; but isn’t that where change starts?

~Candice C Carver

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2 Responses to Oh Say, Does the National Anthem Seem Divisive?

  1. Lydia M Patrick says:

    Thankyou sharing Candice. I agree that the questions are as important as the discussions and the answers. Anything to change our mindset and help us think.

  2. Peggy A says:

    Yes, our voices are desperately needed in getting the necessary changes made. Thank you for inspiring me to be a part of this collective voice.

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