The Worst Tattoo Ever

I have five tattoos. They all have a story that I love sharing, but my favorite is my frog on a daisy. When seeking out a tattoo artist I wanted a 3D version of a frog on a daisy in honor of my mother. So I reached out to some people I know and found an up and coming tattoo artist… that had literally only done a dozen tattoos. 

I sent the kid pictures of what I wanted and he said, “I’ll try my best.” That’s all I asked. 

I got the tattoo of a frog on a daisy, on my hip over my left ovary, the one that is plagued with PCOS. 

I was proud of the tattoo, it was cute, not what I wanted, but the kid was green. I posted the tattoo online and was blasted for getting it. 

“It looks like a child drew it,” “I can’t believe you paid money for that,” “That is the worst tattoo ever!.” The comments just kept coming till I turned them off. 

The tattoo wasn’t the best, but it was my story…it was my tattoo. 

It wasn’t till 2018 when I went to see a spiritualist that I got confirmation that my mom loved it. The spiritualists said “you have something on you that looks like a ribbon…it’s green or pink, I can’t tell. You mom is showing me a photo and I can’t tell what it is, but it’s on your body.” 

I lifted my shirt and showed her the tattoo, “yes, that is it right there, it looks like a ribbon to me. But your mom said she loves it and thinks it’s beautiful.”

At that point, I decided to never change it.

~Candice Carver

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History fascinates me. I have enjoyed reading US history for years. The Revolutionary War through the Civil War, particularly the period between about 1810 and 1860, is the period I study most. There are innumerable volumes written about US history with many covering the same periods and events. Why is this? How many books are needed to describe the winter at Valley Forge or the siege at Vicksburg?

Sometimes there is new scholarship that changes the narrative, but often the purpose of a new volume is to tell the story in a new way. History is more than a simple chronology and atlas of
happenings. Who and why are the reasons I revisit these events.

Of particular interest to me are biographies of historical political figures in US history. Through these, I can see the perspectives of many different sides of major points in our nation’s story. Stories can unite or divide us, teach us, entertain us, evoke powerful feelings, and bring us to tears (though hopefully not of boredom.) Not every storyteller has an agenda or
ulterior motive, but they do all have perspectives. It is important to remember that.

Understanding the interplay between our perspective and that of the storyteller can lead
to a deeper connection between speaker and listener. Be generous in your interpretation of other people’s stories. Seek to empathize rather than criticize. Try to share your story, too. These steps will help forge stronger bonds rather than push us apart.

~Ian Van Sice

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The Story of Our Work

Through the recent Winter holiday season, I was often hearing (quite often on social media now) the lyrics to that heart tugging song about the work of Christmas. It has become probably the most meaningful music for this time of year for me as I prepare for the turning over of the past year and the preparation of regular life to continue into a new one. It reminds me that the miracles we so often want and pray for are very often the realities of our very own efforts and what we bring to the  table each day. 

The Work of Christmas 
When the song of the angels is stilled, 
When the star in the sky is gone, 
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock, 
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken, 
To feed the hungry, 
To release the prisoner, 
To rebuild the nations, 
To bring peace among others, 
To make music in the heart. 

Howard Thurman 

As Unitarian Universalists these words bring us to our principles; Justice, Equity, Generosity, Transformation, Pluralism, and Interdependence. How will the story of our work unfold this year as we practice our faith each day? 

~Lydia Patrick

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How The Story Ends

I just finished listening to,  The Third Gilmore Girl by Kelly Bishop. I am a ‘Gilmore Girls’ fan. I have watched the series more times than I can count –  with each of my daughters together and separately over and over again. We laugh, we cry, we sing the theme song, and we talk about how empowered we feel with the strong and fast moving dialect from the female leads of the show.

I was thrilled to download Kelly Bishop’s book. 

How disappointed I was at first because her narrative was a story, not about my beloved series, but about her life.  

It was her story about dancing and her love for dancing. It was about taking any part she could get on and off Broadway so she could dance. It was a story about the foibles and mishaps of living in big cities and taking small parts to make a living.

Her story was about  her relationships with friends, foes, fellow dancers, and loves – and if I am honest it was these stories that drew me. 

The story was not what I wanted or expected but was what I needed. Our stories connected. I leave you with these nuggets, thanks to Kelly Bishop. 

“There’s a lot more to being human than this finite, mundane, earthbound world we live in, that we’re really part of a much greater cosmic whole that’s all around us.”

“I don’t think about the many times I fell nearly as often as I think about the many times I got back up.”

“Don’t cry because you think your best days are gone. Smile because you had them in the first place.” 

~Lydia Patrick

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The Story We Tell Ourselves

The close of one year and the opening of a new one are natural points for reflection. Perhaps you spend your energy on tomorrow and visions of what is to come. Maybe you feel more drawn to review what happened over the last twelve months. Either way, these spaces in between time feel purpose-built to examine a time outside of themselves.

When you look to the past, what do you tell yourself? When you dream of the future, what voice do you hear? Are you congratulatory? Are the voices hopeful? Do you sit in judgment of the choices and decisions you made? Are the voices hopeless?

We make many decisions within a year. I believe we are all trying to do what we think is right but sometimes we fall short. That’s OK. Our faith tells us that nobody is as bad as their worst day and that we are all inherently worthy. If 2024 was a hard year for you, if you feel like you didn’t achieve those resolutions or accomplish much at all, try to remember that we are more than our “results.” If 2024 was a banner year for you, I am proud and I wish you continued success.

Still, try to remember that we are more than our “results.” In both cases, look to our values and know that you are good and you are worthy.

~Ian Van Sice

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Into the Unknown

It’s about 2:45 am, and I have been awake unnaturally late. On nights like this, sometimes music soothes enough to lull me to sleep eventually. But if I am not careful, I find music videos on YouTube that actually inspire and further waken me. This can happen after a period of darkness/reflection emotionally, when my senses suddenly awaken again. Alas, the music from “Frozen 2” can certainly be such a video for me.

This is especially true of “Into the Unknown”, where Elsa is experiencing a late night calling to find and embrace purpose she is otherwise resisting out of fear of the unknown. I find the message of this song and movie especially poignant right now, as we venture into a new year where it seems that everything we are about to experience is feeling like unknown territory. That can strike fear in pretty much anyone who is aware of what’s going on in the world. The song and story of “Into The Unknown” and “Frozen 2” urge us to acknowledge our fears, ask clarifying questions, and brace for adventures not yet known.

It’s frightening. And, we do still have choices in this future. How we respond in love will surely, with hope, bring the world peace and perhaps a renewed sense of purpose.

~Jen Garrison

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How Does A Story Begin?

Our daughter and her husband recently had a ‘staycation’ weekend in a lovely hotel in DC. She posted on social media about this fabulous book in their room entitled, “Roar!” by Ashley Longshore. It is a tribute to some fifty influential women selected for this book. Each page is a portrait of this collection of mighty women with one sentence about their influence. 

Just a few of the listings are as follows: 

Amanda Gorman for her giant gift and voice. 

Michelle Obama as a leader by example through hard work and self – love and positivity. She has two lovely portraits. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg with multiple pages shows us how capable we all are. 

Coco Chanel is authentic, stylish, and iconic. 

I bought four copies of the book–one for Bob and me and one for each of the households of our children. What I find most interesting besides the lovely portraits Ashley Longshore has contributed are the single sentences accompanying each woman. Knowing that one single sentence cannot possibly contain a lifetime or the sum of anyone’s fulfillment on this planet, it does give me pause to consider the rest of their stories. 

Our narratives are not contained in one thing or one cause or one experience. Our stories unfold every day as we practice life. One success does not make everything else easy breezy. One failure does not seal sorrow over the future. Our story unfolds just like we do. 

I look forward to finding more details of these stories and our own stories as they unfold. It is the practice that brings meaning.

~Lydia Patrick

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