Repost: Can the Heart Win This One?

Reposted from February 28, 2024

Are we so disconnected from our own souls that we are unable to recognize the soul within another?  

–Lisa Kiel

True justice and equity will not happen until we see each other as equals. 

–Rita Romero

The Words that Lisa and Rita wrote and shared with us over the last two days brought me back to some pondering I’ve done repeatedly over my lifetime, and they helped me consider it from different angles. 

I was born in 1959 in Birmingham, AL, a white, male. Apart from family wealth (which we did not have) I could not have been born with greater opportunity. On the equity starting line, I was given a huge advantage over others who were not white and male in the United States of America. I actually remember a time in my life when black people were barred from city parks, swimming pools, lunch counters, buses and schools–all of the ones that I had instant access to. I summarize all of this to acknowledge that my young eyes and ears were taught to see the world this way, and to view and hear those with darker skin tone with suspicion if not some quiet fear–the fear of difference. 

Are we so disconnected from our own souls that we are unable to recognize the soul within? While my eyes and ears were being trained to see “the other” my heart was wrestling with this very good question, and I emerged from Birmingham, AL struggling to see the soul within every other human being despite the loud messages to the contrary. 

My heart started asking questions when I was fairly young, questions that my culture was not ready to answer. But why can’t we ride the bus into town anymore? Why did they close the swimming pool? Why do black people work in our homes but white people don’t work in their homes? Why is the black school so sad looking? Why did you try to convince me that MLK, Jr. was a communist? Why do you believe that God made people with darker skin to be less than those of us with lighter skin?

For me, it’s been a lifelong battle between what my young eyes and ears were taught to perceive, and what my heart already knew. True justice and equity will not happen until we see each other as equals. 

God, please. My heart has to win this one. 

~Bob Patrick

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Repost: It’s the Power and the Privilege

Reposted from February 20, 2024

If, then…

If we want a beloved community, we must stand for justice, have recognition for difference without attaching privilege to difference.

bell hooks

Do we want a beloved community? Then here’s what we must do according to hooks: stand for justice and recognize difference without attaching any privilege. Succinct statements like hooks’ work both ways. If we’re not willing to prioritize justice and stop assigning privilege to differences, then we don’t want beloved community. It’s like philosophical algebra.

In the first lesson of the online program, Trans Inclusion in Congregations, Alex Kapitan and Rev. Mykal Slack, characterize beloved community as not “homogenous.” It is not a collection of identical people who look, identify, think the same. Instead, beloved community invites us all to rub elbows at the table of conflict and reconciliation with people who are different, but equal.

Standing for justice and equity doesn’t mean we turn our backs on our own identities. It doesn’t require that we “stop seeing color,” or minimize our own struggles and challenges, not if we seek to create beloved community, and that leads us back to hooks’ equation. What do we want to build in place of a system that attaches privilege to specific differences, and are we willing to build relationships with those we have perceived as enemies or do we simply want revenge in place of justice? 

We are all different. Pretending as if our differences don’t exist will only result in an illusion of  equity. Alternatively, hooks encourages us to acknowledge our differences, to see our true individualities. It’s not our differences that create injustice and inequity, it’s the power and the privilege we give them. We could change that, but it all depends on the values we place on the variables in the equation.

~Lisa Kiel

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In the Face of Violence

We must not have a violent response to violence.
We can have an angry response to violence.
We can have a fearful, even terrified, response to violence.
We can have a response that is deepened by sorrow.
We can curl up in a ball.
We can lash out at a boxing bag.
We can smash our fists in to a pillow of fury.
But never can we respond in violence.
The shootings, the rhetoric, the attack on democracy.
We never accept a response in violence.
Be vigilant, my beloveds, because we must respond in
Compassion, Inquiry, Questioning & Understanding.
We must not have a violent response to violence.

~Dan Kelly

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Repost: See. Notice. Witness.

Reposted from February 12, 2024

There’s a parable that Jesus tells in the Christian gospel of Matthew. For years it left me troubled. This is my summary of that parable, which Jesus said illustrated what the Kingdom of God is like. (NB. One way of thinking about “Kingdom of God” is “When all things are well, when all things are very well.”)

A landowner went out at dawn and found workers to work in his vineyard. He offered to pay them a denarius for the day’s work, and by all accounts that was a fair wage. They agreed.  But, this landowner went back out at 9 AM, at noon, at 3 PM and at 5 PM, and each time, he found workers whom no one had hired.  He asked them why they were standing about, and they said–because we can’t find work. Each time, he said–come to my vineyard. I have work for you.  At 6 PM, he told his foreman to pay the workers one denarius each, beginning with those who came last and ending with those who were first hired.  By the time the first to be hired were paid, they were grumbling. They had expected to get more since those who came last got the same denarius they were promised. The landowner heard them and said to them: why are you envious because I am generous with my own money?

There is a pattern in this story. It’s a pattern that has taken me a long time to understand. The pattern is this: see; notice; and witness.  See. Notice. Witness. 

These three words, all of which have something to do with our capacity for perception, describe what I think happens in us when the energy of equity and justice begins to flow through us.

We see or otherwise perceive someone or something.  

We begin to notice things about that someone or something that we had never noticed before.

And we feel compelled to act–to give witness to what we have seen and noticed. 

The landowner in the parable saw some people who were looking for work, and he hired them for the day. 

He noticed that there were more people all through the day, through no fault of their own, looking for work. And so he hired them, too.

At the end of the day, he decided that based on what he had seen, their circumstances all called for living wages, and they had all been willing to work.  They were all beginning the struggle for wages at different beginning places. He took action. He chose to pay them all a day’s wage. Why not?  He could. They needed it. And so he did. 

He saw. He noticed. He gave witness.

~Bob Patrick

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Repost: My Heart

Reposted from February 5, 2024

My Heart 

For the holidays this year Bob gave each of us in our family a gemstone heart and a satchel to carry it in. He talked to us about the energy given and received from the gemstone and his intention with the gifts. For him, it was a way to stay connected with those he loved.

Mine is in my purse in its satchel. I take it out in traffic,  parking lots, and when I enter and leave my car. I hold it in church and when I am waiting for appointments. I hold it when I am a passenger on trips. Recently I have found myself thinking about it when it is not on me or with me. I hesitate to put it in my pocket since I don’t have pockets in all of my outfits nor do I wear the same outfit each day. I don’t wear a lot of jewelry although I have thought about wearing gemstones from time to time. I probably am starting down that road now.

What I have noticed about myself with the heart in my hand is that I am focussed on its presence and its energy. I am more calm and think with clarity about how I can generate the love and compassion I wish for in my life. I think about showing more compassion to folks who might walk past me or greet me. I think about healing and forgiveness and find myself praying more for both. I think about how I can be more peaceful and champion peace in my encounters each day. 

I think this month I am going to set my intention more on justice and equity. Blessed be. 

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.

What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take everyone on earth to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

~Lydia Patrick

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Repost: For the Love of Music

Reposted from January 29, 2024

My first love was, and continues to be, music. My mom played a big role in helping develop this love by enrolling me in Mommy & Me keyboard lessons starting around age 4, and by continuing to give the gift of piano lessons for the next 10+ years. She introduced me to Stephen Sondheim musicals and to her favorite Beatles songs and 70s hits. My dad and sister introduced me to plenty of music artists, too – from Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd to Ace of Base and The Cranberries. 

I had a boom box and a walkman as early as I can remember, and I listened to my growing collection of tapes and CDs constantly. I learned all the lyrics to my favorite songs and always sang along. To this day, if you ever see me driving, you’ll see me whole-heartedly singing along with whatever I have playing on my stereo. 

I am a very feeling person (a very stereotypical Cancer, if you’re into astrology) and I think that is why I have such love for music – it’s an outlet for my wide range of big feelings. Music is liberating for me – it can make me smile and even laugh or tear up with joy, it can be a place to feel and release my anger, sadness, and grief, and it can fill me with nostalgia or contemplation and wonder. 

I love how connecting music can be, too. There is nothing quite like the feeling of being in a space where people are hearing and feeling and appreciating music together, whether it’s at a concert or in a sanctuary or even gathering around a busker on a busy sidewalk.

Practicing or participating in the creation of music is a form of self-care for me. I still play piano and have dabbled with the guitar, bass, drums, viola, and cello over the years – but my primary instrument now is my voice. Being able to be a part of our congregational choir is such a joy, and I always look forward to and cherish the time spent with them on Tuesdays and Sundays. 

I’m so grateful for all the roles music plays in my life! It’s been a wonderful companion, and I hope I’m able to enjoy it in one form or another until my last moments of life.

~Jenn Yi

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Repost: Liberating Love–Letting Go

Reposted from January 22, 2024

I find a lot of meaning in seeing patterns, symbols, shapes and repeating dynamics. Anytime. Anywhere. With any set of relationships. When I see a pattern or repeating dynamic or a symbol of a thing that is important to me, I am drawn to it; I feel that this thing makes sense, and for that moment, things are right in my world.

Raising children is almost an exercise in the reverse of that. When they are newborn, we are constantly learning how to do new things that are all about the basic survival–feeding, clothing, diaper changing (so very much diaper changing) and a million different ways to tend them when they aren’t sleeping. 

Just about the time we begin to feel confident with those patterns, they change. Soon, they can basically feed themselves, so it’s more about food selection, food preparation and making sure they eat enough of the right things (which they often don’t seem to like). Soon, we also now have to help them learn how to be in public places and around strangers and what it means to travel in unknown spaces and how to respect other human beings in those spaces. 

Just as we get fairly good with those patterns of things, they demonstrate a will of their own which does not often match the will of those of us trying to raise them. In fact, this rising up of their own wills comes in phases, and the phase at age 2 does not help us much for the phases at age 8 or 15 or 25.

The patterns required of childcare givers (and let’s go ahead and say it–the patterns required of all human caregiving) is the constant requirement of letting go of what we think we know how to do and to open ourselves to a new set of patterns. If we become observant, we begin to notice that the latest set of patterns and expectations will also have to be let go.  Why?

Because we love these other human beings, and that does include all of the frustrations, confusion, fear, anger and dismay that comes with raising and caring for them. The pattern of liberating love can often mean letting go: letting go of control; letting go of expectations; letting go of comfort. This is not easy. To let go, in love, is to set ourselves and the ones we love free. That creates a wide open space where we wait to see what evolves next. 

~Bob Patrick

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