Tag Archives: growth

Metamorphosis: Yes, But You Would

My adult son Walker has a genetic disease called Sanfilippo Syndrome, which causes progressive brain damage. When he was little, Walker’s issues were minimal, and the disease is rare, so he wasn’t diagnosed until he was nine years old. When … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Chrysalis

(This post is part two of a trio of posts inspired by butterflies.  Part one can be found here.  Part three can be found here.)    Caterpillars are shape shifters, and the chrysalis phase is when the “magic” happens.  It … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Transformation and Strength

When my husband was deployed to Afghanistan and I was left at home with four young sons, it was a huge turning point for me.  I was apprehensive about what the year ahead would bring, and fearful of whether I … Continue reading

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Sowing: The Strength Within

Every seed is a capsule of life, containing the full potential of its parent.  Flowers, trees, shrubs, and grasses release this part of themselves each season to discover their place in the world – the new location that will become … Continue reading

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Sowing: The Marvel of Dandelions

Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are weeds, as we all know.   They are the nemesis of many a gardener, as well as those who attempt to cultivate vast, pristine lawns.  But they are also beneficial, providing food for honeybees, and unique nutritional … Continue reading

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Sowing: Containers that Nurture

After the Sunday service couple of weeks ago, I asked my son how his Religious Exploration class went that day. He is in the Earth group, and he has been enthusiastic about sharing their plans for garden spaces on UUCG’s … Continue reading

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Sowing Seeds of Courage

“Come to the edge, he said. We are afraid, they said. Come to the edge, he said. They came to the edge, He pushed them and they flew. Come to the edge, Life said. They said: We are afraid. Come … Continue reading

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