That First Tooth

Our grandson, the tiny dragon, is working on his 5th tooth. We’ve been with him on his journey with the first tooth coming in and out and in and out starting around 3 months. These teeth are not a sprint but a marathon.

If you have been a caregiver or parent to littles, you know how difficult this process is. There is pain and drooling and anxiety and restlessness. Sleepless nights for everyone involved. 

His parents have given frozen teethers and celery and carrots and ice cold breast milk to this tiny dragon. We rubbed baby Tylneol on his gums and walked around and around singing and swaying and soothing his pain and fears. 

Just about the time you see a tiny bit of calcium crystal break through the tiny gum it disappears before you can grab a picture of it for the big announcement or make anyone believe you really did see it. But you can certainly feel it  because they start biting everything in sight to get relief from the gnawing pain they feel. 

And then, just like that two popped out and we all felt vindicated and joyful and so happy this process was over. 

But the reality is, this process has just begun and will continue until about 20 of these deciduous fragments get in place.

It’s not about the teeth for me anymore. It’s about the life connected to the process of teething. It’s about recognizing the experiences and connections and love given and received during the drooling and rocking and playing. 

I want to be present for all of it. As a grandparent my ‘view of these stages’ is twice deepened by knowing that my babies are bringing their babies into my life and I am so grateful – so blessed. I want to be present for every second. 

~Lydia Patrick

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