Welcome to New Life

I just found out this past month that my niece is pregnant! Our family will welcome a beautiful baby boy on December 15th. This is so amazing because there has been so much loss in our family. 

My mind goes to how we will welcome this new life into our family. I have family scattered across the US. My sister (her mother) is in California, our Aunts, her Great Aunts, are close to her in Fort Worth, and her sister is in South Carolina, one cousin in Houston and one in South Dakota and of course I am here in Georgia. It becomes challenging to welcome new life into our family when we are all so far away. 

I didn’t have the opportunity to welcome my nieces into this world, but I always tried to fill them with wonder and curiosity when I did see them. I’m hoping I can do the same with this little bundle of joy. 

~Candice Currier Carver

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One Response to Welcome to New Life

  1. Lydia M Patrick says:

    Congratulations to your sweet family – wishing you all nothing but joy!

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