Win or Lose

I will talk about the main thing that I’m wondering about today and for the next three weeks. This happens every four years. Who will win the World Cup? 

I’m sitting here writing this and watching a game at the same time. That is no easy feat.  I don’t want to miss a goal and every time the crowd really starts yelling, I look up at the game. It’s a way to get quite dizzy. 

I wonder why we get so caught up with sports; it doesn’t make any difference what sport it is. Is it just competition and wanting to win? I don’t know. Wanting your own to win? I don’t know. 

I have to admit that my number one team isn’t the USA. There I said it. Hate me if you want to. I hope they do well. My team is Argentina. I’m not from Argentina and my family doesn’t come from there. I often wonder why I want them to win. I don’t know. 

I always want Latin America to win. In that way, I do want my own people to win. Pride for my own people that were suppressed for centuries. Mexico is my second team. Viva Mexico!!!

Argentina lost their first game. Talk about sudden depression. I know that no matter what sport you are into, you understand what I’m talking about. I wonder why we get so emotionally involved with the games? Why is it so important to us? Could it be a sense of belonging? I don’t know! 

Every four years, I wonder about all of these things. Well, when the final game happens in three weeks, I will be in Baltimore, because I have a tradition of watching it with my son.

When the final game is over the wondering will stop. That is until four years from now. 

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One Response to Win or Lose

  1. katrina yurko says:

    I wish I were more savvy when it comes to sports. The nature of sports is so very competitive yet it actually brings people together. I see this as a paradox. I have acted like a follower of certain teams, however, it has been more an act of just being part of the fan club ( Cleveland Browns). I do get perturbed at the amount of energy and materials they spend on the FIFA thing, using indentured and forced labor to build stadiums. This really flies in the face of the value of sports. It separates the spectators who “have” a ticket and an expensive seat in the stadium that was built on the backs of the oppressed.

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