Monthly Archives: July 2023
Reposted from February 11, 2014 It was Christmas Eve, 1968, when the above photo, “Earthrise,” was taken by the crew of Apollo 8. The image caught astronaut Frank Borman by surprise. They were taking photographs of the moon when he … Continue reading
Stewards of Life
Reposted from February 21, 2014 Similar to arguments against evolution, the Bible is often cited as evidence behind the attitude that man is the “ecological dominant” over all other species of beings on the planet. Genesis 1:26 has been used … Continue reading
Valuable Resources, No Waste
Reposted from February 14, 2014 Where in our lives do we consume nature’s resources? Where in our lives do we allow nature to provide us with renewable resources? These are the fifth and sixth principles of permaculture–principles which we can … Continue reading
Finding the Light
Reposted from February 19, 2014 The physical and spiritual resources the earth provides are evident everywhere around us, but it is nature’s living example of growth and survival – it’s ability to sustain itself – from which we have much … Continue reading
What Renews You?
(Reposted from September 4, 2023) What is it that renews you? I don’t care how long the renewal lasts. What renews you, for a moment, for an hour, for a day? How long since you last bent over a sink … Continue reading
Renewal: Just for Today
(Reposted from September 1, 2013) As I write this, it is raining, again. We have had more rain this summer than in many years’ memory. We have complained about it, but the reality is that the earth has never been … Continue reading
If I Succeed In Loving You
(Reposted from September 10, 2013) Buddhist teachings say that there is no separate self, and I find that difficult to embrace all the time. I think most Westerners do. I don’t know that it matters whether it always makes sense … Continue reading