Category Archives: Love
Love All That You Are!
I was taught to put family before myself even though the ones who were teaching me were definitely not doing what they preached. It took a health crisis to realize that I needed to start putting myself before others. If … Continue reading
It’s a View
I must confess. I’ve been using you, sometimes. I let you walk about the world Flashing back so much in my rear view mirror. I look and find you just so irritating. You talk too loud. You wear odd clothes. … Continue reading
Musical Wisdom
While making plans for choir anthems for this month, Rev. Jan and I spoke about the possibility of using the hymn “There is More Love Somewhere” from our hymnal. This sounded like a great (and fairly simple, ‘singing something out … Continue reading
Love as a State of Consciousness
What is the “path of love” state of consciousness? It is the state that is considered the very core of many spiritual traditions and paths, particularly the ones that are called “mystical”. It is obtained by practices and not creeds, … Continue reading
Broken Heart
After my Father died suddenly, my Mother’s health began a steady decline. This is not unusual for people who lose their long-time life and love companions. After a heart attack, her cardiologist recommended a cardiac stent to prevent further attacks. … Continue reading
Rocks on the Path of Love
Let me not to the marriage of true mindsadmit impediments . . . ~ Sonnet 116, by William Shakespeare There are rocks on the Path of Love. And being a Kentucky hillbilly, I hate wearing shoes. But I will not … Continue reading