Category Archives: Return Again
Return Again: Born and Reborn Again
I wrote this poem in an attempt to describe my experience many years ago while hiking the Kilauea crater on The Big Island in Hawaii, and then walking the rocky shore many miles away where the lava drips into the … Continue reading
Return Again: To What You Are
I react just a little bit to the phrase “what you are.” I am not a “what.” I am a “who.” I am a being, a human being. Over the years, though, I have come to see and experience (and … Continue reading
Return Again: To Who You Are
What if all you had to do today to achieve pure happiness would be to stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and completely accept yourself just as you are? That would be a snap, right? It … Continue reading
Return Again: Breathing II
Yesterday’s post on breathing as a way to return to ourselves had more readers than any recent post. Breathing as a way of returning to who we are must strike a chord of recognition for us–deeply. That alone left me … Continue reading
Return Again: Breathing
What is it about waking up in the middle of the night that seems to allow our minds to conjure up a list of things in our lives that could go wrong? I can go to bed feeling like the … Continue reading
Return Again: School Days!
This morning, there is a great return in the metro Atlanta area where I live. It’s the return of hundreds of thousands of children and teenagers (and their teachers) to school. Granted, for some little ones, this is not a … Continue reading
Return Again: The Land of your soul
Tall trees that make a canopy overhead. A carpet of pine straw. Or, the smell of leaves in the fall that are slowly turning back into humus and soil. The smell, the sound, the sight of running water. A blue sky … Continue reading