Tag Archives: UU 1st Principle

What exactly does renewal mean to me?

While being a transgender man isn’t my only defining trait, it’s impossible to separate this facet of myself from the lens through which I not only see, but experience the world around me. Being in the trans community is a … Continue reading

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Where Does Our Abundance Go?

The first service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett this November featured four speakers sharing reflections on generosity in addition to the homily and, though Iparticipated as a speaker, I found myself further inspired by the thoughts of our … Continue reading

Posted in Gift of Generosity | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Welcome to the Work

I want to love the world. I really, truly do. But it’s hard, you know? There is so much division, exclusion, judgement… Where do we begin doing the work of welcoming that honors our interconnectedness and the understanding that our … Continue reading

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Vulnerability and Authority

It was about 25 years ago when I went searching for a new therapist that I recognized some deep vulnerability … and some gifts. I knew going into my relationship with the therapist I’d been seeing for many months that … Continue reading

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This Is About All Of Us

As I write this, Georgians who are paying attention have just learned that the state’s legislature has voted into law a bill that prevents gender affirming care for Trans minors and their families. It also criminalizes such care for medical … Continue reading

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Courageous Love

In my spiritual exploration, I’m reading Smile at Fear: Awakening the True Heart of Bravery by Chögyam Trungpa. In the few first pages he offers ideas about what fear is and where it comes from:  “Fear is nervousness; fear is … Continue reading

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The Deep End

My four-year-old niece is learning to swim.  Riley loves the water, but she is also terrified of it.  On the day of her first swim lesson, she got all gussied up in her bathing suit, bathing cap, and goggles. She … Continue reading

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