Metamorphosis: Caterpillar

A repost from April 2, 2014

Caterpillar, ©Lisa Brown
image ©Lisa Brown

When a caterpillar begins its life in an egg, it is completely unrecognizable from that which will eventually hatch; and of course, the butterfly it will one day become bears no resemblance to the pupa that preceded it.  What if caterpillars could recognize butterflies as their future selves?  What if butterflies could perceive caterpillars as their own former incarnations?

I am watching my children grow up – from babies, to boys, to young men.  Certainly the transformation is not as dramatic as the metamorphosis of the caterpillar (although American adolescence certainly carries its own degree of drama), but there is no denying that this period of their growth is deeply significant.  I see them in this in-between stage, knowing that the men they will become are a world apart from the toddlers they once were.  They are going from crawling to flying, and in the process they are unrecognizable.

It’s a change we have all been through – the journey from childhood to adulthood, with periods of uncertainty in between. I don’t know whether the child I was would recognize myself today as her future, but there are definitely times that I can’t fathom that young girl as being related to me in any way.  We are a world apart.

Think back to when you were a small child – would you recognize the person you are today as yourself?  Why (or why not)?  Consider all that you have been through that has contributed to your own transformation.  Has your journey taken you where you thought it would?  Where you hoped it would?  Are you even farther along than you dreamed you would be?  Are you satisfied?  If not, are there changes you can make today to redirect your growth?

Unlike the caterpillar, you are the master of your own metamorphosis.  You have your wings.  Don’t be afraid to spread them and fly in any direction you choose.

~ Christiana McQuain

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2 Responses to Metamorphosis: Caterpillar

  1. katrina yurko says:

    I am so very liberated by this philosophy. I author-ize my own metamorphosis. I just need the reminder ! Thank You Christiana.

  2. Peggy A says:

    Such wonderful wisdom in these words, Christiana! As a child, I never could have dreamed of the life I live now. I grew up on a farm as the 13th child of 14. We were very poor, and I lived a very rural life. I was very shy, and lacked self- confidence. I have come a long way from that child. I am grateful for my transformation, but still appreciate where I came from and what I have accomplished in life. UUCG is still challenging me to spread my wings e en more, and for that I am also grateful.

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