Tag Archives: Repost of Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis: Being Human

A repost from April 8, 2014 Recent years have seen a proliferation of books, movies and weekly television shows involving vampires, werewolves, witches and ghosts.  I “enjoy” one of these shows.  Being Human, originally a British series, is about a … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis from Within

A repost from April 5, 2014 Everything has its music. Everything has the genes of God inside. Hafiz From time to time I become deluded into thinking that I am a permanent, fixed, unchanging being who always thinks a certain … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Butterfly

A repost from April 16, 2014 When the time comes for a newly-transformed butterfly to emerge from the darkness of its cocoon, it faces a tremendous physical struggle.  There are stories of well-meaning people, by attempting to assist butterflies in … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Caterpillar

A repost from April 2, 2014 When a caterpillar begins its life in an egg, it is completely unrecognizable from that which will eventually hatch; and of course, the butterfly it will one day become bears no resemblance to the … Continue reading

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