Love Makes a Bridge: Where is the Love? part 2

I have always been a relatively optimistic person.  I see the silver linings in situations, I see hope on even the farthest horizon, and I believe that people are inherently good, at the core.  I abhor injustice, and I break emotionally when I see others suffering.

Love is a bridge between me and every other living being on this planet.  Love is my truth.  Love is my religion.

During the current political turmoil in which division and fear conjure massive waves of vitriol, distress, and hate, it is immensely challenging to find the Love in the midst of pain and poison.  The media is inundated with spite, and I will admit there have been times that my vision has become clouded, and my faith in humanity has faltered.  Times that I find myself questioning that which I know to be true.

Searching in vain for the answer to the question, it dawns on me – if I cannot find the Love, it is because I am failing to be the Love.  I need to cross the bridge.

For a very long time, I have been working diligently on embracing the humanity of people with whom I vehemently disagree.  Those who might speak against societal progress and change.  Those who might criticize or outright condemn people who fight for human rights.  Those who spit venomous disrespect at people who simply stand up to injustice. Those who believe that others achieving equality somehow is to their detriment. To them I say:

I do not love your hateful words.
I do not love your closed mind.
I do not love your angry, fearful attitude.
I love your broken heart.
I love your humanity.
I love your inherent worth, your dignity.

I Love you.

To everyone I say, please give this song five minutes of your time.  (Be aware: there is some language that some may find objectionable.)  Open your mind and your heart, and answer the question…

Seek, and ye shall find.  Even if only within, that’s a step across the bridge.

~ Christiana

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4 Responses to Love Makes a Bridge: Where is the Love? part 2

  1. Peggy Averyt says:

    Beautiful words today! Thank you Christiana.

  2. Rev. Roy Reynolds (UU Accredited Interim Minister, retired) says:

    Very touching, very moving. Loved the music video. It’s carried the message right into my heart and body. Thanks. Rev. Roy Reynolds

    • I find both the song and the video so powerful… I often relate well to music, but this in particular inspired such an outpouring of emotion (for both Bob and myself). Like shining light on and into the dark heavy societal burdens we are all carrying around.

      Thanks, Roy.

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