Small Acts of Justice

Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”  Tanzanian Proverb

When you think of gay rights, you probably think of the Stonewall Riots from 1969. But ten years earlier, gay people were chucking donuts at cops, instead of bricks, at Cooper’s Do-Nut Riot in L.A. In 1965, they were “sitting in” at Dewey’s Restaurant in Philadelphia, and a year later they were “sipping in” at Julius’ Bar in New York.

Do-nuts + Sit-in + Sip-in = Stonewall

It takes small acts of justice to make a BIG one, because it takes courage to make a difference and YOU have to build up courage a LITTLE at a time. Don’t underestimate your small deeds. Just because they’re small doesn’t mean they aren’t important.

In the end, YOU are the next variable in the equation.

~Rowan H.

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3 Responses to Small Acts of Justice

  1. Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones says:

    WOW!!!!! Rowan! I can’t tell you how much I needed to be reminded of this truth, and this particular history, TODAY!!! Thanks so much!! I can’t wait to read what you might offer us next month on “Transformation” [hint hint–but no pressure!!]

    With love and gratitude,

    Rev. Nancy

  2. Peggy A says:

    Wonderful history of little acts that added up to be a lot!!! Tha k you for this history lesson.

  3. Peggy A says:

    Wonderful history of little acts that added up to be a lot!!! Thank you for such a wonderful history lesson.

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