Tag Archives: UU 7th Principle
Return Again: The Fabric of Who We Are
I have the great joy of students across now almost 30 years who want to stay in touch with me. (I like staying in touch with them, but I always allow that to be their choice–sometimes, you just need to … Continue reading
All Is Welcome Here: We’re Okay
I have had the occasion this past year to be in conversation with some younger (than I) adults, and it’s only dawning on me now that there is a pattern in those conversations. Sometimes, they are about teaching and working … Continue reading
All Is Welcome Here: Yearning to Belong
In psychological terms, thanks to Carl Jung and others, we sometimes speak of introverts and extroverts. I understand extroverts to be those who are energized by being around large groups of people and introverts those who are energized by being … Continue reading
Open the Window: Dangerous Things 7
With the last of our seven Principles we make this powerful observation: that when Unitarian Universalists covenant ourselves to our seven Principles, we are covenanting ourselves to dangerous things. Standing together for our Principles has meant throughout our history individuals … Continue reading
Open the Window: True Names, Please
As a white person (btw, I hate that label, but that’s another post) I am working these days on getting my personal window open–open to injustices that are all around me many of which I actually benefit from. This benefit … Continue reading
Open the Window: Time for peace?
Our song theme for the month of May, Open the Window, was written in 1997 by Elise Witt. She based it on a spiritual from the Georgia Sea Islands called Heist the Window, Noah. “Though Elise’s version uses only one phrase from … Continue reading
Come, Come Whoever You Are–To What?
Rumi’s words in this beloved hymn of ours are so powerfully those of invitation. Come. Wanderer, come. Worshiper, come. Lover of leaving, come. To what is Rumi (what are we) inviting the wanderer, the worshiper, or the lover of leaving … Continue reading