Monthly Archives: February 2014

Ecology: Nature’s Pace

The natural world provides us with many resources, both tangible and spiritual, but it also provides us with a living example of what is healthy and beneficial.  Nature can be a valuable teacher, if we allow ourselves to heed her … Continue reading

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Ecology: Permaculture

Long before I ever heard the term “permaculture” I was drawn to the earth, to the soil, to the woods and sky, trees and birds and earthworms.  I grew up in a rural community where we had large spaces for … Continue reading

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Ecology: Of Spirit

Freefall Mark Nepo If you have one hour of air and many hours to go, you must breathe slowly. If you have one arm’s length and many things to care for, you must give freely. If you have one chance … Continue reading

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Ecology: Earth and Spirit

The majority of us are acutely aware that there are critical environmental issues facing us today: global climate change, depletion of species, increasing scarcity of resources…   On the whole, our collective attitude about the earth and our relationship to it … Continue reading

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Ecology: Belonging

Belonging — Alla Renée Bozarth The small plot of ground on which you were born cannot be expected to stay forever the same. Earth changes, and home becomes different places. You took flesh from clay but the clay did not come … Continue reading

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Ecology: Climate Change, Real and Upon Us

In June I started a new job, as a librarian for the Environmental Protection Agency. I work for the Ecosystems Research Division lab in Athens, supporting scientific research that rivals Icarus’ flight to the sun – nanomaterials, metagenomics, carbon sequestration. … Continue reading

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Ecology: First Stirrings of Spring

All over the world and for centuries, the first day of February holds special importance. Among those groups who follow an Earth-centered spiritual path, today marks the beginning of Imbolc–Old Irish for “in the belly”.  The ancients marked this day … Continue reading

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