Tag Archives: Earth

Discovering Renewal

Last month I had the opportunity to tour a farm. The moment we arrived I could feel the difference in the energy of the atmosphere, a shift in the air that enveloped us with the aroma of the earth. Acres … Continue reading

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Filled With Loving Kindness: Sacred Ground

Last week I added North Dakota to the list of states I’ve visited in my lifetime. Most of our drive into North Dakota was in darkness, so it wasn’t until Thursday, the day of our national clergy witness of solidarity … Continue reading

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Filled with Loving Kindness: Our House of Loving Kindness

It was a great privilege and an honor to travel to North Dakota this past week to take part in a gathering of over 500 clergy from at least 20 different faith traditions, along with indigenous peoples from well over … Continue reading

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Harbor: Would You Harbor Me?

Would you harbor me? Would I harbor you? Would you harbor a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a heretic, convict, or spy? Would you harbor a runaway woman or child, a poet, a prophet, a king? Would you harbor an … Continue reading

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Foundations: Spring Awakening

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.  There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and … Continue reading

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The Garden: Coexist

So often, when we think of the creatures of the earth, we consider ourselves apart from all the rest.  There are humans, and then there are all the rest of the non-human animals in The Garden (whom we call simply … Continue reading

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The Garden: Mirrors

Nature is often used as a metaphor for the things that go on in our human lives. Children grow and “blossom” into adulthood, explosive anger is said to “erupt like a volcano”, every individual is “as unique as a snowflake”…  … Continue reading

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