Monthly Archives: September 2014

The Labyrinth: What Happens Next?

The ancient myth of the Minotaur and Theseus in the Labyrinth has, apparently, several – if not many – versions.  The stories vary from each other in both minor (was it annually or every nine years that sacrificial youths were … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: The Folds

Today we enter The Labyrinth.  Or to put it another way, we begin our congregational life, devotional, and spiritual practice theme called The Labyrinth.  The CUUPS and Sylvan Sanctuary groups gathered in the dark on Saturday evening to mark the … Continue reading

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The Garden: There’s A Choice

There’s a choice we’re making. Is there a difference in “the world” and “The Garden” as we have been reflecting on it these past few weeks?  I think most of the time, there is, but I think that is a … Continue reading

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The Garden: Namaste

Many of us are familiar with the Sanskrit greeting/prayer, often used in yoga practices and other settings:  Namaste (pronounced “nah-mah-stay”).  The divine in me greets the divine in you.  Recently, I learned of the illness of Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. … Continue reading

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The Garden: Resilience

Resilience.  The Latin source of this English word means “to jump back, or to rebound.”  Among the features of our “yarden” are some antique as well as newer containers.  The antiques include some heavy concrete planters that belong to my … Continue reading

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The Garden: Coexist

So often, when we think of the creatures of the earth, we consider ourselves apart from all the rest.  There are humans, and then there are all the rest of the non-human animals in The Garden (whom we call simply … Continue reading

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The Garden: Domesticated and Wild

We probably ought to talk about The Garden and the garden.  Most of us, when hearing those words, likely think of the garden.  This “garden” is the one where I set out space, dig up soil, amend soil, plow rows, … Continue reading

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