Tag Archives: choices

Vulnerability and Authority

It was about 25 years ago when I went searching for a new therapist that I recognized some deep vulnerability … and some gifts. I knew going into my relationship with the therapist I’d been seeing for many months that … Continue reading

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The Secret to Freedom

“The secret to freedom is courage.” ~ Thucydides Last month when “belonging” was the topic, I began thinking about how we find courage to choose where to belong and with whom to belong.  When I finished writing, the monthly topic … Continue reading

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June 10 – Listening for Joy

The story in our Sunday service today was derived from a Tibetan tale* of an old monk whose heart had become hardened by all the suffering in the world. He lived in a cold, dark, desolate cave at the top of … Continue reading

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Loss: Loss and Remembrance

“Death isn’t something to be shied away from, Booth. From an anthropological standpoint, the more openly a culture embraces death the less anxiety they associate with it.” (Bones, Season 11, Episode 3) We (my siblings and I) aren’t really sure … Continue reading

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The Library: Need to Know

One of the great privileges of being a Unitarian Universalist is that we can answer a question with “I don’t know…”, and that is a valid answer.  Does God exist? I don’t know.  Are you a Christian? I don’t know.  … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: What Happens Next?

The ancient myth of the Minotaur and Theseus in the Labyrinth has, apparently, several – if not many – versions.  The stories vary from each other in both minor (was it annually or every nine years that sacrificial youths were … Continue reading

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Departures: Time to Breathe

There have been weeks when I have restricted myself from bingeing on social media.  During those weeks I realized how much there was to do – and how much I couldn’t think of to do.  With all of the time … Continue reading

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