Tag Archives: UU 2nd Principle

Where Does Our Abundance Go?

The first service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett this November featured four speakers sharing reflections on generosity in addition to the homily and, though Iparticipated as a speaker, I found myself further inspired by the thoughts of our … Continue reading

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Best Friends, Not Bookkeepers

A coworker recently got married and, before the weekend of the ceremony, we held a smallparty for her in the office. As these things often do, we had snacks, games, and there were alsocards for others to fill out with … Continue reading

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Compassionate Friends

When our daughter, Amy, died in an automobile accident, I became a lifelong member of a group no one wants to be a part of, grieving parents. For months, I attended meetings of The Compassionate Friends, where membership consisted of … Continue reading

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Belonging: Doors

Growing up in a church gave me a sense of belonging both to the congregation and to their beliefs. Our family life revolved around Sunday school, Sunday worship services, Wednesday suppers, choir practices, and revivals. At eight, I was baptized … Continue reading

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Belonging: Just As I Am

“I am you, you are me, and we are all together.”  ~ John Lennon  I want to belong, to be part of! A large part of this need to belong is about survival. We come into physical existence totally dependent … Continue reading

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December 6–Hope: Finding My Voice

Going through airport security recently my carry on was pulled and I waited while the airport attendant went through my bag. She told me what she was about to do and that I could not add or remove anything from … Continue reading

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December 5–Hope: What’s cooking?

In yesterday’s post, I observed the 13th century origins of the English word Hope, and how the English roots seem to be specifically Christian terms for salvation from hell by God.  I suggested that as Unitarian Universalists, we might re-shape … Continue reading

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