Category Archives: Humility

Humility: Personal Work

True humility is always personal work. As interconnected as I believe that we human and other beings are with one another, when it comes to this thing we call humility, the working of it, the owning it, the practicing of … Continue reading

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Humility: Good Questions

In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go? ~ Jack Kornfield We might differ on what matters the most in the end, but these three … Continue reading

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Humility: Rising With Humility

Another container that holds the meaning of humility for me I call “Rising with Humility” – over the last few weeks Bob and I have been binging the British Baking Show at night after dinner. We usually can stay awake … Continue reading

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Humility: The Risk of Failing

“In 1968, in response to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a third grade teacher, Ms. Jane Elliott, in all-white, all-Christian, Riceville, Iowa, involved her students in an exercise in discrimination based on eye color. It was her … Continue reading

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Humility: Leveling the Field

Compassion is not condescension, but a leveling of the playing field, a recognition of yourself in others and an acceptance that their stress is your stress, that their happiness is your own. The gulf between us all is imaginary, born … Continue reading

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Humility: Love Ourselves and Support Each Other

Bill shared this reflection in the Sunday Service, March 11, 2018. My name is Bill Benshoof and my pronouns are he, him, and his.   My story is about how I have come to understand my leadership journey with the … Continue reading

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Humility: Strong, Like the Earth

Humility.  Humble.  Humiliate.  Humus.  That last word is not the good, golden stuff made from chick peas!  (that’s hummus).  Humus is the starting place for a discussion on humility.  We have talked about this in our services recently at the … Continue reading

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