Category Archives: The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth: Imagination

The Wanderer discovers her unique path by perceiving the world with imagination and feeling.  She senses what is possible as well as actual.  She sees into people and places and possibilities, and she cultivates a relationship with the invisible realms … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Personal Work

Building a labyrinth can be great fun and it can become very personal work in one’s own life.  I’ve been building labyrinths for a long time.  Most of the time, I build labyrinths for communities to use.  They are most … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Inside, Outside, Upside Down

When we think about walking the labyrinth, we think about the switchbacks, the U-turns. But there is another type of disorientation involved.  This type is more evident in some labyrinth designs (especially the larger ones).  Not only do we suddenly … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: What We Carry Out

One of the many reasons that walking the labyrinth is such a powerful metaphor for our journey through life is the myriad ways that it parallels our experience.  One example: in general, even for those of us who have one … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Connection

My path to enlightenment will only come from being connected to the world around me. It’s not just about being centered inside; it’s about being connected to your world. – Njeri Matheu, “People’s Climate March” No word quite describes the … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: A Holy Place

When our heart is in a holy place, When our heart is in a holy place We are blessed with love and amazing grace, When our heart is in a holy place. ~ hymn lyrics by Joyce Poley One of … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Revelation

Labyrinths invite us into themselves but only so that they can invite us down deep into our own souls.  They require something of us once there:  to touch, to connect, to be present, to be aware.  (You could add to … Continue reading

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