The Threshold: A House for Hope

Like many ancient communities of the past, we have chosen to observe a brief time in our community and here in these daily reflections to pause and consider what it is we are about to enter into.  The fitting “part of the house” is The Threshold.  Over the next few days, we will explore what The Threshold can mean in our lives.  For today, let us consider together these words of Rebecca Ann Parker who served for 25 years as the President of Star King School for the Ministry:

We are here at the threshold.

We are here,

We who have crossed many thresholds already to arrive at this space and time,

Coming out–from identities and locations that didn’t embrace the fullness of who we are;

Coming across–distances, boundaries, discoveries that have beckoned us to deeper life and challenged us to change;

Coming with–our loves, our partners, our children, our memories, our knowledge, our wisdom, and our willingness;;

Coming to–our senses, our awareness of the critical issues that threaten the well-being of earth’s creatures, communities and cultures;

Coming again–to decisions, commitments, hopes, determinations that we know matter.

We are here at this threshold . . .

Where minds and hearts are on fire;

the threshold of a house of spirit where prayer and contemplation take us deeper; the threshold of a house of hope for greater justice and compassion in the world;

the threshold of a house of history that can inform our present lives and link us to a communion that crosses the boundary of death;

the threshold of a house of preparation for thresholds we will lead others to cross, for the thresholds yet to come, for the thresholds the world stands on–poised, now, as always between the possibilities of violence and the possibilities of peace.

Come, let us cross this threshold together.

A House for Hope: The Promise of Progressive Religion for the Twenty-first Century, pp. 172-173; John A. Buehrens and Rebecca Ann Parker


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