When Roads Converge

In January of this year we were able to meet our daughter and son-in-law in New York City for a cold weekend of fun and fellowship. We ate out, walked or rode the subway everywhere, visited museums and parks, and had a lovely day at The Edge. 

The Edge Observation Deck has an outdoor sky deck where, for a fee, one can  witness the entire borough of Manhattan from the unique vantage point of 1,100 feet above the ground. It is located right by the  Hudson Yards district whose construction focuses on sustainability and green space. 

After we enjoyed a lovely meal and walked along the edges of the platform, (a lovely gift from Hannah and Blake) we noticed the roads down below light up as the sun set around us. 

Blake pointed my attention to all of  the roads converging to enter the Holland Tunnel taking drivers under the water into New Jersey. He was like, “Mom, you should write a reflection about this…” 

  • You can talk about all of those people on their journey through life
  • The hardships and triumphs they face along the road they travel on
  • Rich and poor all traveling on the same road and the obstacles they face each day
  • Driving alongside someone they don’t know and might never see again- humanity’s daily dose
  • No matter who they are or what their circumstances they need to merge together into that tunnel if they want to cross the water
  • They’ve got to give way to each other so everyone can get into that tunnel and then drive side by side surrounded by thousands of pounds of murky water with one wall of cement keeping them dry

(Seems like he already wrote it for me, doesn’t it). 

And I could imagine many of the components of justice and equity in this real life parable taking place in front of me.

~Lydia Patrick

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