Monthly Archives: February 2014

Valentine’s Day – Ecology of Love

With this theme of ecology, we are spending this month honoring our connection to the environment.  We see the results of our self-centered carelessness in the many environmental crises that we face today.  We know that our actions have to … Continue reading

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Ecology–Permaculture: Obtain and Apply

Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share. The principles of permaculture invite us, if they do nothing else, into ongoing conversations:  with the land and soil, with plants and trees, with animals and other human beings, even with the minerals … Continue reading

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Ecology: Earthrise

It was Christmas Eve, 1968, when the above photo, “Earthrise,” was taken by the crew of Apollo 8. The image caught astronaut Frank Borman by surprise. They were taking photographs of the moon when he happened to turn and look … Continue reading

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Ecology–Permaculture: Observe, Interact, Catch and Store

Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.  These three relationships of permaculture principles reflect our Unitarian Universalist principles, not the least of which are our respect for the dignity of all beings and our recognition of the interdependent web of … Continue reading

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Ecology: Compassionate Consumption

Waking up this morning, I smile, Twenty four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion. – Thich Nhat Hanh It took twenty-eight years … Continue reading

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Ecology: Compassionate Connection

“We are the children of the Earth and not separate from the soil, the forests, the rivers, and the sky. We share the same destiny.”  ~ Thich Nhat Hanh Much of Western society seems to have adopted the view that … Continue reading

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Ecology: The Household

Houses.  Our houses are important to us as human beings, simple and humble or grand and opulent.  At the end of any day, little is more destructive to human life than to be homeless.  Homelessness threatens families, damages health, riddles … Continue reading

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