Tag Archives: relationship

Discovering Renewal

Last month I had the opportunity to tour a farm. The moment we arrived I could feel the difference in the energy of the atmosphere, a shift in the air that enveloped us with the aroma of the earth. Acres … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Transforming Community

During a workshop at a recent gathering of Unitarian Universalists, those present were asked to articulate their dream for the world.  I summed up my dream in two words: Radical Relatedness. I dream of a world in which people are radically related … Continue reading

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Ecology: The Household

Houses.  Our houses are important to us as human beings, simple and humble or grand and opulent.  At the end of any day, little is more destructive to human life than to be homeless.  Homelessness threatens families, damages health, riddles … Continue reading

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