Monthly Archives: May 2014

Wings/Flight: Hindrance or Help?

Our younger daughter graduated from university two weeks ago, and today starts her new job in her chosen field!  It’s a fabulous day from the perspective of proud mama and papa birds who see that she can fly.  But, she … Continue reading

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Wings: Learning, to Fly

“A child without education is like a bird without wings.”  ~Tibetan Proverb  Yesterday was the last day of school for the year here, and my children are rejoicing.  While it makes me happy to see them happy, it also makes … Continue reading

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Wings/Flight: Obstacles

Flying is marvelous.  Watching birds fly is fascinating.  Flying in an airplane is still, to me, almost miraculous, and I have done it a lot.  Watching others hang glide drops my jaw every time (though, I am quite happy to … Continue reading

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Flight: Flight Plan

We have exposed beams in the eaves of our front porch, and every spring we are witness to the adventures of house wren nesting. This week we found a baby bird, not yet ready for flight, on the ground beneath … Continue reading

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Wings/Flight: Choice

Early morning usually finds me in the kitchen with my first cup of coffee, checking email and doing some writing.  I usually turn on some music or National Public Radio to check in with the world.  Recently one morning, I … Continue reading

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Flight: Achieving the Impossible

“Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.” ~ Mary Kay Ash  There exists a popular misconception (demonstrated in the quote above) that, according to the … Continue reading

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Flight: Sprouting Wings

As parents we plant the seed of humanity and we cultivate the growth of our children’s wings for eighteen years.  We nurture and guide them to maturity, and lovingly teach them to fly.  As adult members of an inter-generational community, … Continue reading

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