Tag Archives: mind

Flight: Achieving the Impossible

“Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.” ~ Mary Kay Ash  There exists a popular misconception (demonstrated in the quote above) that, according to the … Continue reading

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Ecology: Of Mind

In 2000, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a week long retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh, the world-renown Buddhist teacher, nominated for the Nobel-Peace Prize by Martin Luther King, Jr.  It was a pivotal, life changing experience for … Continue reading

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Advent (Peace): Prayer Mile

On my way to work is a prayer mile. A low, rustic sign announces in bold, block letters, “Prayer Mile.” One mile later, a second sign announces, “Amen.” The other sides of these signs bear the opposite messages, so that … Continue reading

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Harvest: Of Space

One week recently was especially busy for me.  Every day, there was not only the usual 8 hours or so of work, but there were meetings of one kind or another, or extra projects at work that required staying longer, … Continue reading

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