Monthly Archives: September 2023

The Gift of Welcome

This month, we have been focusing on the gift of welcome. The writers here have shared with us many dimensions of that gift. Words. The words we speak to one another do matter, and how we choose to speak to … Continue reading

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My mother called me “tender hearted.” At times, I would cry for prolonged periods, and she would tell me to stop before I got a headache. She was right, as mothers sometimes are. I was tender hearted, and crying too … Continue reading

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Opening My Heart to Emotion

Emotions are hard; they hurt and sometimes linger for years and years causing deeper pain and anguish. Sometimes emotions are soft and joyous and fleeting. If we could only hold onto the joyous emotions as well as we hold onto … Continue reading

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Never Felt More at Home

There’s a word that has more depth than feeling homesick, more meaningful than nostalgia and is more unique than longing… it’s a Welsh word that is not easily translatable to English that combines all three of these feelings into one … Continue reading

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It was March of 2022. I was about to finish my one year of breast cancer treatment. I decided that I was going to give myself a gift. I wanted a little poochie. I started to look on the Gwinnett … Continue reading

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Summer’s Ghosts

We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost. Henry Rollins Recently I suffered the dreaded Covid virus, not a welcome experience. I lost a month to symptoms we … Continue reading

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Welcome to New Life

I just found out this past month that my niece is pregnant! Our family will welcome a beautiful baby boy on December 15th. This is so amazing because there has been so much loss in our family.  My mind goes … Continue reading

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