Category Archives: Let This Be A House of Peace

October 31: Let Us Build A House of Peace–A World House

On this last day of our theme–Let us build a house of peace–I am drawn back to a simple and yet transformative teaching that I’ve known since I was a small child.  For all that people from different sectors want … Continue reading

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Let This Be A House of Peace: Covenant

At the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett, we are a covenantal community. That means several things.  It means that we have taken the time and intent to talk together, explore together and put down on paper the ways in which … Continue reading

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Let This Be A House of Peace: Self-Care

Recently, I began going back to yoga class.  I have practiced yoga, on and off since the 1990’s especially hot forms of yoga which work for me.  So, in that first time back in class, the room so hot, me … Continue reading

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Let This Be A House of Peace: The Walk

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 These words in the Hebrew scriptures, the … Continue reading

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Let This Be A House of Peace: Invitation

I recently read the amazing story of Derek Black.  I won’t try to retell it here except to say that Black was raised in a racist family which was a part of leadership in White sepratists movements during the 1980’s … Continue reading

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Let This Be A House of Peace–Steps

Buddhist monk and teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, often addresses the theme of peace in his teachings.  They are practical, focused on the present moment, and for me offer ways to begin building this house of peace that we need in … Continue reading

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Let THIS Be A House of Peace

What is the “this” when we sing or say “let this be a house of peace?”  Written by Jim Scott but with inspiration from the life and works of Unitarian-Universalist poet-prophet, Kenneth Patton, there are immediately three possibilities.  This is the local … Continue reading

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