Category Archives: Loss
The Communion of Loss
I was a young clergyman, and we had just brought our first child into the world. She was almost a year old. So was the son of a young couple in our congregation. The phone rang that Sunday night just … Continue reading
Loss: The Craving
There is a craving that comes in the wake of a loss. That craving may manifest in many ways, and it comes after the loss of any thing or any one that was important to us. That craving is that space … Continue reading
Loss: Losing the Closet
October 11 is National Coming Out Day … a day set aside for advocates and allies, as well as people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, and affectional orientations to come out in support of the LGBTQ community. This weekend … Continue reading
Loss: The Little Boat
We expect it to be there. We expect him/her to be there. We expect our own selves to be there. We expect a schedule, a season, a welcome, an acceptance, a hand, a pat on the back, some encouragement, support. … Continue reading
Loss: Light a Candle
In Unitarian Universalism, it is common to hear people say that they are going to “light a candle” for someone, or some event, or some issue that concerns them. Our central symbol in worship services has become the flaming chalice, … Continue reading
Loss: My Whole Life
Recently, pondering some rather minor situations that were disappointing to me, I had what I can only call a moment of clarity. I was sitting there mulling over the situation, and these words formed within me: “I’ve been living my … Continue reading
Loss–For This Moment
“My practice is teaching me to embrace imperfection: to have compassion for all the ways things haven’t turned out as I’d planned, in my body and in my life; for the way things keep falling apart, and failing, and breaking … Continue reading