Category Archives: Sheltering Walls

Sheltering Walls: Circles

I am fascinated with how people gather in spaces that are important to them.  More to the point, I am drawn to the circles that people gather in.  As a teacher for 25 years, I have long found it very … Continue reading

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Sheltering Walls: Among You

The religious leaders were giving Jesus a hard time one day as he tried to talk about what the Kingdom of God was like.  They wanted details:  time, date, description and email address.  In the Gospel of Luke (17:20ff), as … Continue reading

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Sheltering Walls: Ripped Away

Twenty-nine years ago this week, the space shuttle Challenger launched with a teacher, Christa McAuliffe on board.  For months, the nation had watched her prepare and train, and on that morning in January, millions of students were watching along with … Continue reading

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Sheltering Walls: White Space

I always wanted to study art when I was growing up and just didn’t have the opportunity. In my 20’s I found an art teacher who offered painting classes in her basement every Wednesday night, and I went–every week for … Continue reading

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Sheltering Walls: Witness and Blessing

Room number 1:  you are inside a room where the people with you are critical of what you do, how you think, and who you are.  Most of us have been in this room. Take a moment and ponder how … Continue reading

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Sheltering Walls: Change

What do you do when the space you have seems to be too little?  I look around and ponder. Can I rearrange the furniture?  Sometimes, that works.  Can I create new space within the space to make it more practical? … Continue reading

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Sheltering Walls: Special Space

Do you have a space that is yours?  The space might be at home, a room in the house, a corner of a room, a special chair with a lamp and table next to it.  It might be a spot … Continue reading

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