Change is Coming

Change is coming.

Do I let it in? 

I don’t know.

Change is coming. 

Do I hide?

Maybe, I will.

Change is coming. 

Do I fear it?

Sometimes, I do.

Change is coming. 

Will it be bad?

I hope it will not.

Change is coming.

Will it be good? 

It can be.

Change is coming. 

Will my life be different? 

It may.

Change is coming 

Do I let it happen?

I think I will. 

Change is coming. 

Will I be happy?

I may. 

Change is coming.

Will I grow?

I will.

Change is coming.

Is it here?

Yes, it is.

Change is coming.

Will I let it in?

Welcome my friend. 

~Rita Romero 

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10 Responses to Change is Coming

  1. Carol Richardson says:

    That’s beautiful, Rita. Timely for me as I begin to have doubts around an important choice concerning my move.

    • Rita Romero says:

      I believe your move will be a wonderful change for you. Your new home is beautiful. I can imagine swinging on your porch. I will always be your friend no matter where you live.

  2. Peggy A says:


  3. Katrina says:

    Beautiful prose Rita ! I think you must have covered all the questions we have about Change and all the positive responses. I like this post because it is so positive !

  4. Lydia says:

    Love all of this!

  5. Lisa says:

    Thank you Rita. This is beautiful!

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